What a JOY to be able to sit and write to express my heart's desire for this conference. I'm so glad you dropped in to better understand how God brought this event into existence. It's ALL about Him!
I am a blessed Mom of 3 amazing young adults - 2 boys and a girl. As far back as 2002, I began taking Teen Girls and their Moms to conferences in different parts of Texas. Our own daughter, Lauren, was only 3 at the time but we have sure enjoyed attending these events together during her JH and HS years. My husband of 32 years, Royce, is a History Teacher and Basketball Coach. We have moved and changed schools a few times over the years. Change is not easy for me. But, I have learned to look for God with every change that comes our way….because He is there and the change has purpose. Most often that purpose has been in building new relationships with new people in new places. Investing in the lives of others. Sharing life. In every school we’ve been at, I have had the joy of introducing my new friends to a fun and life changing weekend at a Teen Girls’ Conference. I have caravanned with many Moms and Teens to these events in various TX cities over the years. I have a reputation of having serious skills in “curb hopping” every 15 passenger van I have ever driven !! We have enjoyed attending such conferences as Girls of Grace, You and Your Girl, The Revolve Tour and T4 throughout the years. Each was incredible and so inspiring. God planted a dream in my heart way back then, in Cherokee, Texas, of someday hosting this type of event at my own home church. It’s been a good, long while and here we are! I had no idea all those years ago that this would ever really come to fruition. But it has! Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Don’t ever give up on yourself and the vision God plants in your heart. Don’t ever give up on God. His timing is always right. He keeps His promises and He is, OH SO FAITHFUL!!! And He has put together the most amazing team of people to help make this dream a reality. People with incredible skills, insights and vision. I am so THANKFUL for my home church, our Youth Pastor, our leadership team, every volunteer and YOU! God’s Provision leaves me in awe!
So, here we are. It’s 2021! We have now embarked upon a new decade. Welcome to the new “Roaring 20’s”, they say! I guess the question I have is “what will we be roaring about”? As we look around us and within us, what is defining us? What is really important? In what are we placing our value? Our choices are defining who we are becoming. Who do we truly believe that we are? So many questions. Important questions. It is my prayer that we will be intentional to invest in things that truly matter - things that last. Realizing and BOLDLY living out our identity in Jesus will affect every area of our lives. And THAT is definitely something worth roaring about!
A lot has changed over the last few decades. A LOT! We can only imagine how difficult it must be to grow up in today’s culture. This digital age is having an affect on us that we have yet to fully see. Boosted by the effects of social media, the entertainment industry, broken families and stress/anxiety/pressure to perform, more and more teens are finding themselves buried in their struggles. And more often than not, these struggles are kept a secret. We begin to believe we are alone in this and that no one else will understand. This can lead to loneliness, isolation and down right depression. Exactly where satan wants us to be and to stay. Yes, we struggle at times. It’s part of the human condition. But, what we KNOW about our worth and how we handle the struggles makes all the difference. Finding our identity in Jesus will bring long lasting victory in this ever revolving issue of identity, purpose and worth. So many teens are finding their identity in just about anything other than God. And are us Moms truly doing much better? Finding our worth in possessions, popularity, relationship status, grades, talents/abilities, extra-cirricular activities, athletic success, job title, physical appearance, social media status……..and the list goes on, will never bring lasting purpose and joy.
I have such a passion to reach girls and their moms with Truth about who they are. If we can each realize and take hold of who we are in the eyes of Jesus, we can be grounded in the stability of a foundation built on the solid rock of God’s Truth from His Word. LIFE CHANGING TRUTH. The struggles that come from jealousy and comparison are many. We, as girls and women, need to stop comparing ourselves and viewing life as a competition. Rather, we need to unite under the authority of Jesus to claim our TRUE IDENTITY as Sisters and Daughters of the One True King. He longs to save us, sustain us, provide for us, heal us and anoint us as His own. I pray that this conference is just the beginning of a beautiful work that God will begin and continue in your beautiful life. I pray this event will provide an opportunity for HOPE in an environment where we can TAKE OFF the masks and get real about our pain, struggles, disappointments and sin. I hope to start conversations between Moms and daughters so that healing, guidance and wholeness can take place. I pray that relationships are restored and grow deep, strong roots for a lifetime…… authentic relationships that are centered on God’s Truths from His Word.
We chose the acronym of “W.A.Y.” because it stands for a fundamental question we must all come to terms with: WHO ARE YOU ? Remove the outward facade and look deep within your soul. What and Who defines YOU? Are you who your friends say that you are? Do your material possessions define who you are? Who would your parents say that you are? Where are you finding your purpose and identity? Who are you listening to? Because there are LOTS of voices shouting for your attention! And most importantly, who does God say that you are? Do you even know what He says about you? Do you believe it? These questions and your answers are critical. They really do matter. So, we want to help you on this journey of discovering who you REALLY are ! This will be life changing.
We chose the word “Summit” to reflect that life is a journey, much like hiking a mountain. There are peaks and valleys. There are mountaintop experiences with the warm sun on our faces when we feel we could conquer the world! But there are also days and even weeks that can be rather dark where storms move in and seem to envelope us, robbing us of joy and energy. These are all part of the human condition. We need help in navigating this journey called Life. But, we must learn how to navigate in Truth so that the storms don’t define us. There are pathways, choices and forks-in-the-road. Our decisions matter. They are determining who we are becoming. It matters. YOU MATTER.
So, let’s gather together in a united front as sisters. Sisterhood matters. Community matters. Let’s build strong, healthy relationships that are anchored in Truth. Let’s support, encourage, and cheer each other on as we journey this mountain of life together. Let’s leave all distractions behind and begin praying about all God wants to show us about who we really are. At W.A.Y. Summit, I pray that lives will be drawn to seek Hope and Healing through the saving power of Jesus Christ. I pray that each life will be changed forever. When we truly realize and understand who we are and where our true identity, worth and purpose come from, we are well on our WAY to joyful living.
Let’s make JOYFUL living something to roar about!
I cannot wait to see you April 17, 2021! LET’S DO THIS!
living to serve Him,
Malaina Jesko <><
“Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth.” Psalm 86:11
p.s. Check back soon. We will have a Guest Blogger every now and then on our W.A.Y. Summit website. We have amazing women with amazing stories to share with you. Stories of struggles that lead to incredible victories because of God’s presence in their lives. See you soon!