W.A.Y. Summit Sponsorship Opportunities

Thank you so much for considering W.A.Y. Summit as an avenue to invest in this generation of young women.

We are humbled that you would feel lead to get involved with our vision and mission of reaching

Teen Girls (7th-12th) and College-Age young women.

We also invite young women to bring their Mom, Guardian/Mentor or special female adult in their lives.

So, your investment is far reaching as the information presented is shared in a multi-generational setting.

This approach helps open conversations and better communication within relationships and families.

Your investment is vital, makes such a difference and we do not take that lightly.

Thank you again for joining us and supporting us on this journey!

 W.A.Y. Summit charter:

To engage young women with the message of The Gospel so that all areas of their lives are anchored in Jesus.

To equip young women to live in the world, not influenced by culture, but as strong Christ followers whose identity/worth/purpose is secure.

To empower young women to be difference makers as they live a life that brings God Glory and points others to Him.


Sponsorship LEVELS and benefits*:


  • Online “Thank You” via our social media accounts (Facebook & Instagram)

  • Online “Thank  You” on our www.waysummit.org website

  • Verbal “Thank You” on radio spots (when applicable)

  • Verbal “Thank You” from stage 2 times during event (beginning and end)

  • Visual “Thank You” slide show with business logo during breaks

  • Visual “Thank You” with business logo on back of Daily Schedule in each Journal

  • Visual “Thank You” on Signage in bathrooms



  • Verbal “Thank You” from stage 1 time during event (beginning)

  • Visual “Thank You” slide show with business logo during breaks

  • Visual “Thank You” with business logo on back of Daily Schedule in each Journal

  • Visual “Thank You” on Signage in bathrooms



  • Visual “Thank You” slide show with business logo during breaks

  • Visual “Thank You” with business logo on back of Daily Schedule in each Journal

  • Visual “Thank You” on Signage in bathrooms


Any gift amount is greatly appreciated and will be used wherever designated or where needed most.


* We currently do not have room to accommodate any Sponsor booths at the conference

* Any Sponsors requesting to include advertisements/coupons in Swag Bags must have them approved in advance by the WS Leadership Team. The materials/message on the items must support our charter statements above. For example, they cannot encourage changing one’s physical image in any way. TY for understanding.


Any questions?                   Please contact:   Malaina Jesko @ 817-964-2277            waysummit@gmail.com